Word Search



Given an m*n grid of characters and a target string, return whether the target string exists on the board.

The word can be constructed sequentially via adjacent cells. For example, you can create the word by going veritcally, horizontally or a combination of both.

Word Search Example 1

Input: board = [["A", "S", "B", "X", "E"], ["K", "O", "O", "O", "U"], ["F", "E", "S", "O", "O"], ["B", "A", "L", "M", "B"]], word = "BOOM"

Output: True

Word Search Example 2

Input: board = [["A","B","C","E"],["S","F","C","S"],["A","D","E","E"]], word = "SEE"

Output: True

Clarify the problem

What are some questions you'd ask an interviewer?

Understand the problem

Do you need a visited set? If yes, what is the strategy for adding / subtracting to this data structure?
No, we do not need a visited set.
Yes, the strategy is to add to the visited set whenever we visit the square.
Yes, the strategy is to add to the visited set whenever we are using the character as part of the word.

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